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Teaching Strategies

Social and Emotional Learning is a very important part of growing up.  The connection we establish with our children helps them learn and thrive in many different environments.  I have found the website, Aha! Parenting, to be an invaluable resource in raising my own children and I hope you will find something useful there as well!

Math skills can be taught and practiced during everyday activities.  Having our children hear us use and model math skills out loud can help develop their interest and understanding of math concepts.  There are many ideas and ways to showcase math during the day and these websites provide some good examples.

Literacy skills include reading, writing, vocabulary, spelling and comprehension.  As parents, we set the stage for strong literacy skills when we talk to, sing to and describe the environment and our actions to our children when they are infants.  As our children grow, there continues to be many ways to increase literacy skills through simple activities that can become part of our daily routine.  

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